
Essential Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Essential Fall Home Maintenance Checklist New Jersey

As the leaves start to fall and the temperature drops, it’s time to prepare your home for the upcoming season. Fall is an excellent time for home maintenance. At Kucker Haney Paint, your trusted Benjamin Moore store, we’ve put together an essential fall home maintenance checklist to help you keep your home in top shape.

Gutter Cleaning: 

Begin by cleaning out your gutters and downspouts. Removing leaves and debris will prevent clogs and ensure proper drainage during fall rains.

Roof Inspection: 

Examine your roof for any damaged or missing shingles. Addressing these issues now can prevent leaks and further damage during the winter months.

Seal Gaps and Cracks: 

Inspect your home’s exterior for gaps and cracks where cold air can enter, and warm air can escape. Seal these areas with caulk or weatherstripping to improve energy efficiency.

Inspect and Clean the Chimney: 

If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional to ensure it’s safe.

Heating System Maintenance: 

Schedule a professional HVAC technician to inspect and tune up your heating system. This ensures it’s running efficiently and reduces the risk of breakdowns during the colder months.

Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: 

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace the batteries if needed. Safety should always be a top priority.

Prepare Outdoor Equipment: 

If you have outdoor equipment like lawnmowers or garden hoses, prepare them for winter storage. Drain and store hoses and perform necessary maintenance on lawnmowers and other outdoor tools.

Clean and Store Patio Furniture: 

If you have patio furniture, clean it thoroughly and store it in a protected area to prevent damage from winter weather. Did you know Kucker Haney Paint rents powerwashers? Visit us in Hamilton, NJ, for power washer rentals.

Inspect Windows and Doors: 

Check for drafts around windows and doors. Replace weatherstripping if necessary to keep your home warm and energy-efficient.

Following this fall home maintenance checklist ensures your home is ready for the colder months ahead. At Kucker Haney Paint, we offer Benjamin Moore paints and supplies and provide expert advice to help you with your home improvement projects. Visit us today to find everything you need to keep your home in top condition this fall. We have three paint stores in Mercery County, NJ for your shopping conveneince.